
How To Get Abs What To Eat The Beachbody Blog

Whether you've been doing Beachbody workouts for years or you're just starting, some guidance can be helpful when picking a Beachbody workout program.

There are a few factors that go into choosing the right program to help you reach your goals.

What's your current fitness level? What kind of exercise do you like best? How much time do you have to work out each day? Do you have a favorite trainer?

To help you pick the best program for you, we break down these details and more for the most popular Beachbody workout programs on Beachbody On Demand.

And since we're always adding new programs, check back for updates on new workouts you can try!

Learn more about Beachbody On Demand here:

Already know your fitness level? Use these links to jump directly to those programs.

Beginner | Beginner-Intermediate | Intermediate | Intermediate-Advanced | Advanced

Beachbody Workout Programs on Beachbody On Demand

Beachbody Workout Program - Beginner

Clean Week

Type: Low-impact
Time: 30 minutes/day for 7 days
Equipment: Dumbbells or resistance band
Trainer: Megan Davies

This seven-day program will introduce you to the basics of fitness and nutrition to help kick-start healthy habits. The workouts cover everything from cardio to strength to flexibility, and the easy-to-follow meal plan includes recipes and meal prep tips to make clean eating easy.

This is perfect for someone who wants to start getting fit but isn't sure where to start or what kind of exercise is right for them. Try it here .


Type: Dance, cardio
Time: 30 minutes/day for 4 weeks
Equipment: None
Trainer: Leandro Carvalho

The simple routines in this Beachbody workout program are great for people who are looking to be more active but are beginners to fitness.

For four weeks, five days a week, Leandro will lead you through cardio-dance routines set to your favorite hits from the '80s and '90s.

And the nutrition plan is just as easy to follow. It's not a strict diet, but instead, it encourages small changes to gradually help you eat healthier. Try it here.

Country Heat

Type: Dance, cardio
30 minutes/day for 30 days
Equipment: None
Trainer: Autumn Calabrese

With simple, low-impact moves, Autumn Calabrese leads you through a fun dance routine to help you burn calories and work up a sweat.

Country Heat includes six different dance workouts set to popular country songs that you'll do six days a week. Each workout has a "breakdown" video, where Autumn walks you through each move slowly to help you pick up the steps quickly.

Try it here.

3 Week Yoga Retreat

Type: Yoga
Time: 10-30 minutes/day for 21 days
Equipment: Yoga mat
Trainers: Vytas, Elise, Ted, and Faith

If you're new to yoga or just want to improve your skills, 3 Week Yoga Retreat will guide you through three weeks of basic yoga classes to help you gain a solid foundation.

You'll do a new class for 21 straight days, with the goal of improving your flexibility, increasing your balance, and relieving stress.

There is also a Beginner Basics section that breaks down core yoga techniques, like breathing, balance, and the proper way to do basic moves like downward dog and child's pose. Try it here.

Beachbody Workout Program - Beginner Intermediate

#mbf Muscle Burns Fat

Type: Weight Loss, Strength Training, Muscle Building, Cardio
 25-35 minutes/day for 3 weeks
Equipment: Dumbbells, BOD rope
Trainer: Megan Davies

This three-week strength-training and cardio program is a simple, effective way to get a lean, strong body.

Crush #mbf and then start #mbfa Muscle Burns Fat Advanced to throttle up the intensity and results. Try it here.

Barre Blend

Type: Low-impact/cardio/slim and tone
 30-40 minutes/day for 8 weeks
Equipment: Dumbbells, Resistance Loops
Trainer: Elise Joan

Barre Blend is a low-impact, total-body workout program from barre expert, professional dancer, and 3 Week Yoga Retreat co-creator Elise Joan.

Elise has created the perfect fusion of ballet barre, Pilates, and cardio interval training, designed to help you burn fat and create a lean, toned physique.

The full-body workouts include high-rep, small-range movements and isometric holds, as well as compound exercises, targeted core work, and dynamic stretches.

For the best results possible, Elise adds cardio interval training to each workout to keep your heart rate up and help you burn maximum calories and fat. Try it here.

A Little Obsessed

Type:Cardio, strength/muscle-building
 30 minutes/day for 5 days
Equipment: Dumbbells, Resistance Loops, Strength Slides
Trainer: Autumn Calabrese

This five-day program is designed to prepare you for Autumn's more intense program, 80 Day Obsession.

The workouts are just 30 minutes long, and while each one has a different theme (booty, legs, cardio, etc.) they'll help you burn fat and build muscle all over.

There's also an eating plan that introduces you to Timed-Nutrition, a key element of the 80 Day Obsession program that dials inwhat you eat andwhen you eat it to optimize your results.

If you're not sure if you're ready for 80 Day Obsession, start with A Little Obsessed. Try it here.


Type: Cardio, strength/muscle-building
Time: 25-50 minutes/day for 21 days
Equipment: Dumbbells or resistance band, agility markers, PT sandbag (optional)
Trainer: Chris Downing

This three-week program utilizes a unique ramp-up method to help you reach a new level of fitness. The workouts alternate between cardio and strength training, and increase in length and intensity each week, from 25 minutes up to 45 minutes.

We addedfouradditional workouts in 2018 to take the "shift" to a whole new level.

The workouts are only half of the challenge, though; an equally rigorous nutrition plan adds to the program's difficulty, helping you refine your diet to maximize muscle growth and fat burning. Try it here.

21 Day Fix

Type: Cardio
Time: 10-30 minutes/day for 21 days
Equipment: Dumbbells or resistance band and exercise mat
Trainer: Autumn Calabrese

This three-week program includes 13 workouts and a simple nutrition plan. You'll work out seven days a week, doing everything from cardio to strength training to yoga.

This Beachbody workout program provides beginners with an introduction to different kinds of exercise and those at more intermediate fitness levels with new challenges.

Most beginners start this program by following the modifier in the videos, then progress to doing the full moves as they become more familiar.  Try it here.


Type: Low impact
Time: 13-45 minutes/day for 60 days
Equipment: Yoga mat
Trainer: Chalene Johnson

Great for both beginners and those with a solid fitness base, the program combines the best of yoga and Pilates in a single program, with some extra cardio and strengthening exercises thrown into the mix.

The workouts are set to a fast pace so your heart rate stays elevated, helping you burn fat while you sculpt your muscles — no jumping or weights required. Try it here.


Type: Dance, cardio
Time: 30-50 minutes/day for 4 weeks
Equipment: None
Trainer: Shaun T

CIZE is a choreography-based Beachbody workout program that will teach you a different dance routine set to pop and hip-hop music each week. In each routine, Shaun T breaks down the dance moves step by step and builds them into a full routine.

Choose from the beginner, advanced, or hybrid workout calendar, and try the "Next Level" workouts for an additional challenge.

Depending on the calendar you choose, you'll be dancing either six or seven days each week. Try it here.

Brazil Butt Lift

Type: Cardio
Time: 10-50 minutes/day for 60 days
Equipment: Exercise band
Trainer: Leandro Carvalho

Focused on reshaping your booty without bulking up your thighs, Brazil Butt Lift will help lift, firm, and round your butt with strategic, targeted sculpting routines.

And this isn't just a program for women — strengthening your hips and glutes can improve the way you move which can reduce the chance of injury, and that's something from which everyone can benefit. Try it here.

Beachbody Workout Program - Intermediate

30 Day Breakaway

Type: Running, Strength Training, Cardio, Weight Loss
Time: 20-45 minutes/day for four weeks
Equipment: Running shoes, Foam Roller, Resistance Loops, Dumbbells
Trainer: Idalis Velazquez

Beachbody's first running program combines running and resistance training to help you burn fat as you tone your body.

It features a super-effective mix of running and lifting up to five days a week, around 40 minutes a day, starting with three walks or runs a week that progressively builds up to five until Day 30 when you complete a 5K! Try it here.

10 Rounds

Type: Cardio, strength/muscle-building
Time: 30-40 minutes/day for six weeks
Equipment: Dumbbells
Trainer: Joel Freeman

Joel leads you through three days of boxing training and two days of strength-building workouts with weights that will help you get a true, full-body transformation.

You won't be hitting a heavy bag or sparring partner. Instead, you'll be doing it the way boxers spend the bulk of their training time — shadowboxing. Try it here.

22 Minute Hard Corps

Type: Cardio, strength/muscle-building
Time: 22 minutes/day for 8 weeks
Equipment: Dumbbells or PT sandbag and pull-up bar
Trainer: Tony Horton

With three cardio workouts, three resistance workouts, and two core workouts, these 22-minute videos will help you work your entire body in minimal time.

Inspired by the methods of boot camp fitness programs, 22 Minute Hard Corps uses a military-style cadence to work your entire body with basic, uncomplicated moves.

2 Minute Hard Corps is perfect for someone who is short on time but still wants to incorporate both cardio and resistance training into their schedule. Try it here.


Type: Cardio
Time: 25 minutes/day for 10 weeks
Equipment: Dumbbells or resistance band and exercise mat
Trainer: Shaun T

As an intermediate Beachbody workout program, it's great for people with a seasoned fitness base, but those who find the moves too hard can still follow the modifier.

The main program is broken down into two stages: Alpha and Beta. They're each five weeks long, with Beta providing similar, but more intense, workouts as well as the introduction of weights.

This is a cardio-heavy program that demands a decent amount of jumping, so those with bad knees should consider following the modifier.

Try it here.

Beachbody Workout Program - Intermediate Advanced

Morning Meltdown 100

 20-30 minutes/day for 100 days
Equipment: Dumbbells, Resistance Loops, Strength Slides
Trainer: Jericho McMatthews

Every morning, Jericho will lead you through a 20- to 30-minute workout that can help you rev up your metabolism, burn fat all day, and build your best body ever.

She created the program with tons of variety to help keep your body progressing. The workouts are short enough to easily fit into your day and the schedule is flexible, so you can stay on track even when life gets in the way.

Music plays a huge role in the program. For the first time in Beachbody history, each workout is set to a heart-pumping BPM (that's beats per minute) playlist mixed by a live DJ. Try it here.


 30-40 minutes/4 days a week for 60 days
Equipment: Dumbbells or Resistance Loops
Trainer: Joel Freeman

LIIFT4 is an efficient, no-nonsense workout that combines weightlifting and calorie-burning high-intensity interval training (HIIT).

The moves are based on classic lifting techniques that let you isolate, stabilize, and focus each rep on the muscle group you're working. Every workout ends with a quick core routine for a full-body build and burn that leaves you shredded.

Three recovery days a week give muscles time to repair so you can push harder, lift heavier, and get better results faster.

Try it here.

80 Day Obsession

 30-60 minutes/day for 80 days
Equipment: Dumbbells, Resistance Loops, Strength Slides
Trainer: Autumn Calabrese

80 Day Obsession will help you build a strong, lean body, including a firm butt and sculpted abs. Six different workout themes (booty, legs, cardio, etc.) are repeated every week, but Autumn changes how you do them each time, so no two workouts are ever the same.

To optimize your results, you'll need to follow the Timed-Nutrition Eating Plan, which uses Portion-Control Containers to make healthy eating easy.

f you don't feel ready for this program, try A Little Obsessed – a five-day precursor with slightly easier workouts that will help prepare you for the longer, more intense 80 Day Obsession program. Try it here.


Type: Cardio
Time:15-45 minutes/day for 30 days
Equipment: None
Trainers: Joel Freeman and Jericho McMatthews

CORE DE FORCE is a mixed martial arts-inspired program that will work your entire body without using any equipment. Each workout is composed of multiple three-minute "rounds" designed to test your cardio skills, build strength, and increase power.

Six days a week, this Beachbody workout program is great for intermediate or advanced levels, but beginners can follow the modifier for a less-intense workout. Try it here.

Body Beast

Type: Strength/muscle-building
Time: 11-56 minutes/day for 90 days
Equipment: Dumbbells, bench or stability ball, pull-up bar and/or resistance band, EZ curl bar
Trainer: Sagi Kalev

All skill levels can follow along and benefit from Body Beast — you don't need any prior weightlifting knowledge, and if you're more advanced, this program will still challenge you and deliver results.

There are two 90-day workout schedules to choose from—one that focuses on gaining muscle mass, and the other that focuses on getting lean and ripped.

Body Beast offers workouts six days a week, with rest days on alternating days of the week. Try it here.

The Master's Hammer and Chisel

Type: Strength/muscle-building
Time: 30-40 minutes/day for 60 days
Equipment: Dumbbells or resistance bands, bench or stability ball, chin-up bar
Trainers: Autumn Calabrese and Sagi Kalev

This resistance training program is led by 21 Day Fix creator Autumn Calabrese and Body Beast creator Sagi Kalev.

Six days a week for eight weeks, you'll alternate between the muscle-building Hammer workouts and sculpting, cardio-based Chisel workouts. This will help you build muscle and strength while simultaneously toning your physique.

The Master's Hammer and Chisel focuses on improving endurance, power, agility, strength, balance, and range of motion.

It will be a challenge for anyone in the intermediate level, and it can help you progress to a more advanced level once completed. Try it here.


Type: Strength/muscle-building
Time: 30 minutes/day for 90 days
Equipment: Dumbbells or resistance bands and pull-up bar
Trainer: Tony Horton

The efficient, 30-minute workouts in P90X3 will help you gain muscle and slim down with a variety of moves to keep you challenged over the full 90 days.

You'll do everything from mix martial arts-inspired workouts to Pilates to upper- and lower-body strength training, so you'll never be bored.

This program will have you working out six days a week, with an optional active recovery workout on the seventh day. Try it here.


Type: Cardio
Time: 10-55 minutes/day for 90 days
Equipment: None
Trainer: Chalene Johnson

Follow along six days a week for 12 weeks as Chalene leads you through 11 different high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts shot in a group class setting and set to upbeat music.

After you finish the main program, there are additional workouts for an added challenge. There's an element of choreography to the workouts (because they are so fast-paced), which is why we included the "Firestarter Class" to break down and explain all the moves.

TurboFire is a step up from Chalene's first Beachbody workout program, Turbo Jam, and is more well-rounded to yield better results. Try it here.


#mbfa Muscle Burns Fat Advanced

Type:Weight Loss, Strength Training, Muscle Building, Cardio
Time: 25-40 minutes/day for 3 weeks
Equipment:Light, Medium & Heavy Weights, BOD Rope
Trainer: Megan Davies

In this three-week program, Megan Davies dials up the intensity and moves from #mbf Muscle Burns Fat.

The combination of strength-training and cardio workouts will help you get lean and strong, reveal your abs, and tighten everything for a total-body transformation. Try it here.

6 Weeks of THE WORK

Time:45 minutes/day for six weeks
Equipment:Dumbbells, resistance loops, strength slides (and booties), optional Chin-Up bar, Chin-Up Max
Trainer: Amoila Cesar

This is hardcore functional training designed to help you build the kind of real-world strength and stamina that goes beyond the gym and translates to everyday life.

Over six intense weeks, Amoila takes you through 36 unforgiving workouts to help you gain muscle, and torch fat.

Compound lifts, agility drills, cardio exercises, and other training methods will keep you challenged and help you get in peak physical condition quickly. Try it here.

Transform :20

Type: Cardio/muscle-building
Time: 20 minutes/day for six weeks
Equipment: Step
Trainer: Shaun T

Beachbody and Shaun T have created a step program that's nothing like old-school step aerobics. Less dance and more functional, it will help you sculpt your glutes, chisel your abs, strengthen and define your upper body, and burn fat all over.

Shaun T also created weekly behind-the-scenes videos featuring him and the cast as they discuss their own challenges, with the goal of motivating everyone to stay committed and strong. Try it here.

21 Day Fix Extreme

Type: Cardio/muscle-building
Time: 10-30 minutes/day for 21 days
Equipment: Dumbbells, resistance band, and exercise mat
Trainer: Autumn Calabrese

If you've completed the original 21 Day Fix program, or are looking for a new extreme program after P90X3, The Master's Hammer and Chisel, or FOCUS T25, this program is a great next step.

It boasts more challenging workouts than 21 Day Fix, but the same container-based nutrition plan with. The three-week program includes 11 workouts for seven days a week, with a variety of exercises like cardio, strength training, yoga, and more. Try it here.


Type: Cardio
Time: 30 minutes/day for 60 days
Equipment: None
Trainer: Shaun T

The goal of INSANITY: MAX 30 is to push yourself as hard as you can for as long as you can — and then just a bit longer the next day.

This program is just as intense as the original INSANITY Beachbody workouts, but has been condensed into shorter, 30-minute spans, and also offers a modifier who demonstrates the easier, lower-impact version of every move.

If you've just finished Focus T25, and want to stick with Shaun T through shorter workouts, this is a great program to choose. Try it here.

Maybe 21 Day Fix is the best workout for you, or maybe you should give Core De Force a try! Stuck on which Beachbody program you want to try? Check out this blog to see which one (or two!) could be right for you!

How To Get Abs What To Eat The Beachbody Blog


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