
How To Delete A Personal Blog Page On Facebook

Facebook is one of the most popular and widely used marketing digital platforms today. This makes you wonder: why would any company want to know how to delete a Facebook business Page and remove their presence on the world's largest social network?

Reasons vary. Whatever the underlying reason is for wanting to know how to delete a Facebook business Page, it's useful to know that there are various ways to do so.

How to Delete a Business Page on Facebook

To delete your Facebook Business Page the traditional way — that is, using a desktop computer and logging into Facebook using your personal account — follow these simple steps:

  1. First, make sure you're an admin of the Page you're trying to delete. In a number of situations, users ask, "Why can't I delete my Facebook business Page?" — only to realize that they are not an admin of the Page.
  2. You won't see the option to delete a Facebook Business Page if you're not an admin. Note: if it's a duplicate Page that you don't have access to, you may need to claim the Facebook business Page first.
  3. Go to your Page and click Settings at the top right.
  4. This will take you to the General tab of your Settings. Scroll down, and click on the Remove Page option. Once you click delete, you'll have 14 days to restore the Page in case you change your mind.

how to delete facebook business page

Why Can't I Delete My Facebook Business Page?

The most common reason for not being able to delete a Page is because the user is not an admin of the Page.

If you are an admin and you still can't delete your Page, it's possible that there may be another admin who may have canceled the Page deletion before the 14 days passed.

Your Page may also be part of a Facebook Business Manager (FBM) account that's connected to a "parent" business. In this case, you'll want to know how to delete a Facebook business Page using Facebook Business Manager (more on this later).

What Happens When I Delete a Facebook Business Page?

Deleting your Page means nobody will be able to see or find it. You have 14 days to restore the Page in case you change your mind. After that, you'll be asked to confirm if you'd like to delete it permanently.

Keep in mind that if you delete the Page permanently, you lose its content and data forever. This includes your Page likes, comments, interactions, and Facebook reviews .

How to Unpublish Facebook Page

If you're unsure about losing all the data from your Facebook business Page, you may choose to simply "unpublish" the Page. This hides it from the public, including the people who like your Page.

If you're an admin, you can unpublish your Page at any time. Unpublished Pages are only visible to the people who manage the Page. It won't be visible to the public until it's published again.

How to Delete Facebook Business Page Using FBM

Facebook Business Manager is the company's all-in-one business dashboard for managing advertising accounts, Pages, and business-level insights and reporting. It's suitable for bigger agencies that manage many users, employees, clients, and ad accounts.

To delete your Page using Facebook Business Manager:

  • Log into your Facebook Business Manager account. From your home Page, click on Business Settings at the top right.

  • From Business Settings, look for Accounts > Pages on the left side. Select the Page that you would like to remove from Facebook Business Manager.
  • Selecting the Page will display the Page details on the right. Above the Page details, you'll see the option to Remove the Page from FBM.
  • Clicking on this option will remove your Facebook Business Page from FBM. This means you can now delete the Page using the traditional way, as outlined above.

Remember: your Facebook Business Page won't be permanently deleted until 14 days have passed. Remember that you can also unpublish your Page at any time to give yourself a break from running it. Unpublishing won't cause you to lose your fans and followers; it also lets you keep your reviews and Facebook recommendations.

Final Thoughts

Using Facebook as a social media reputation management platform doesn't always work out. If you have a Page that you no longer want the public to see, follow the above steps on how to delete a Facebook business Page.

For more information on how to build your brand presence on Facebook, check out our Facebook Reputation Management guide.

How To Delete A Personal Blog Page On Facebook


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